Monday, January 3, 2011


Happy new year! Yes, here we are in 2011. A new year ahead, bringing with it more time to play games and to crap on about them in this waste of web-space.

Anyway, to get the ball rolling, some good news. And what better way to open this year than on a positive note?
Recently I had the satisfaction of striking another game from my Hall of Shame. This one being the Adventures of Lolo 2.

I've had a love for puzzle games, stretching back to such classics like Lemmings and Boulderdash. I downloaded the first Adventures of Lolo on a whim and found it quite entertaining. The puzzles were engaging indeed and, whilst the cutesy graphics and chipper music wasn't to my taste, the challenge factor was enough to hold my attention for a very long while.

So what can I say about Adventures of Lolo 2? It's more of the same. Great puzzles, annoyingly heroic music and a protagonist that looks at you with big eyes wondering what the hell you're going to do next. A minor graphical upgrade, along with a new concluding section, is all it takes to differentiate this game from it's predecessor and strangely, that's all it needs to do. So yeah, Lolo 2, whilst little more than an expansion disk(?) on the first game, is good fun

Anywho, that's another game done - and one less to deal with. And on that note, I did resolve to work on the Hall of Shame this year. True, no one really keeps any new year resolutions for very long but it would be interesting to see what happens in the months ahead.

Here's to 2011!

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