Monday, January 24, 2011

Final Round: Fight!

Last year I made a post describing what I would like for the sequel to Final Fantasy Dissidia. Now that more information has come to hand how do I feel about it?

Well, the presence of Yuna and Gilgamesh is pleasing - The addition of Laguna is a nice surprise too. However I am disappointed by (as yet) no sign of Seifer, Freya, Cid Highwind and Shadow. No doubt these fighters would be reduced to 'support' roles which comes across more as a wasted opportunity.

And then there's the presence of Aerith - only as a support character. Good Lord, has there been any other contentious issue than whether or not Aerith should stay dead? Having the Flower Girl has a support character really just adds to the never-ending debate. Personally, I can see both sides of the issue: Credit must be giving to Square for sticking to their guns and keeping Aerith dead out of undermining the impact of her death scene. But on the other hand, ignoring the fanbase is never a good business move: After all you can only ignore them for so long before they start refusing to hand over their dosh.

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