Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All Your Base Are Belong to Meme

It's January 26th- Happy Australia Day! Woohoo!

Anyway, I find the All Your Base meme a curious fascination. Aside from the popularization of bad Engrish and that seemingly nonsensical combination of those three words, what I find most interesting is that it gave the seemingly forgotten game Zero Wing a new lease of life (I say forgotten in that it was never released in the US).

Could it thus be possible for another forgotten game to be resurrected as such? Of course what may have been impressive in a previous era can easily come across as down right cheesy (hence the success of the meme) but seriously, if a new life can be given to Zero Wing, then there's no reason why it can't happen to another video game.
That being said, I have a challenge in mind:
Anyone remember Impossible Mission? Not to be confused with the similarly titled TV series (and game tie-in), IM was released on the Commodore 64 and then other 8bit computers and featured an athletic secret agent ransacking a building of many rooms and dodging malevolent robots to find pieces of a puzzle. Finding said puzzle pieces ultimately leads to cracking a secret code to thwart a mad-scientist. For it's time, IM was hailed for it's then innovative combination of compelling puzzles and action platforming. But for many the major selling point was the use of synthesized voices. Although primitive now, IM's voice acting (if you can call it that) had some cool moments: The death scream when the protagonist falls down a hole, the villain's taunt: "Destroy him my Robots!" and the classic introductory line of "Another visitor! Stay Awhile! Staaaayyy Foreverrrrrr!"

My challenge is for someone to make a dance remix using those samples. That's right remixers: Someone take the six voice samples making up IM and turn them into a dance track.
I mean if Bill Bailey and Pendulum can make dance remixes out of TV News Themes then anything can be posisble...

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