Friday, September 30, 2011

The Magnificent Seven

I feel like I'm the only one in the universe who's not wanting SqueeEnix to remake Final Fantasy 7. Now I have played FF7 and found it quite enjoyable but this was on my own terms: If I came late to it (2009 was when I actually sat down and played it for real), it was the intimidation factor: The accolades of the game and the continuing popularity of the game (practically unheard of in gaming before or since) raises the level of expectation to near impossible levels - so much so any newcomer would go in expecting to find Jesus.

SqueeEnix have steadfastly refused to remake FF7 and their reasons are sound enough: Namely the cost involved, building the whole thing over from scratch and the key people behind the original now scattered into different avenues. But still the fans persist to have their demands heard, you'd think they were holding a building full of people at gunpoint.

I've expressed some of thoughts already from suggesting that the prospects of remakes could be put to better use fixing the games of the post FF-7 era and how a game you played at ten years old being remade won't make it better but really, I give up: Why do you people want FF7 remade? What, hasn't there been any better games released in the fourteen years since? It's already on the PSN so it's not like it's not readily available and not getting played. Is it really the Nirvana of JRPGs that anything else isn't worth it (although I hear Xenoblade Chronicles is pretty cool)? Is it because it's so good that no other JRPG designer - not even SqueeEnix themselves - have no hope in hell of matching it, let alone surpassing it?
Yes it sold millions, yes assisted Sony in it's rise to power but at the end of the day so what? The game did it's job so why can't we just walk away and leave it?

In fact, the longed for revamp of FF7 makes an interesting counterpoint to the recent Star Wars release on Blu-ray. Here, George Lucas has enough money to do whatever the hell he likes but his attention is still focused on the thing that made him famous. And with the Blu-ray he is still mining for hard nerd cash that people will gladly hand over without a second thought.
BUT! The Blu-rays have been tampered with yet again into something that makes the original release near unrecognizable. Many fans are calling foul and getting into the rage that only nerds can muster. People are furious that George has been tampering continually with something they adored and wish he'd stop.

So I put this question to you FF7 fans: Is this what you want?
Do you want your favorite game tampered with?
Do you want something you loved being raped and repackaged?
Do you want to hand over your dollars to someone who doesn't give a toss what you think?
Do you want to support a company who's staying afloat through their single moment of glory?
Do you want to support a company who can't seem to move on from that single moment of glory?
Do you want so many childhood memories forever ruined?

But really a game still hailed with such fervor after fourteen years, and a few generations, seems to suggest the person in question haven't played anything else since
That being said, maybe it's high time we all started living in the present.


  1. Dude, it's Square Enix not Squee Enix. But yeah I agree, an old game shouldn't be remade.

  2. I know exactly what I mean: SqueeEnix is a corruption of the SquareEnix name and is used in derogatory sense.
