Friday, January 28, 2011

Hottest 100

Well, well, well, I've made it to one hundred posts. I had no idea that this blog was going to last longer than a handful of posts. Still a milestone like this is as good as any other so I might as well take the time to ponder on what this blog has accomplished and what may lie ahead.

This blog essentially is an excuse for me to rant about games. I've explained what games I've liked, I've been keeping track of the games I've been playing and downloading, I've exercised caution in the dangers of following majority opinions and made countless of observations about gamers and gaming in general.

All of this however marks me as one voice in amongst many: Anyone can set up a blog in this day an age and anyone who can put fingers to keyboards can use a word processor just as easily as a game. This is ultimately one gaming blog in amongst many - the only difference is that no one is paying really much attention to this one.

Should I be bothered? Don't think so: I'm writing becuase I want to and if someone is willing to sit down and waste so much of their precious time listening to my ramblings then good for them. I have views forged from many years experience playing computer and video games. I know what makes a good game and what can grab my attention from the word go. Indeed, I think the late comedian George Burns said it best:

Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair.

So maybe it is true: Those who know what makes a good game are those are standing on the outside of the development process. You know, the consumers who hand over dollars for games that are churned out by people who need to make a profit and not taking the time to figure out just what the hell they're doing. Personally I'd be naive in the extreme to think that anyone from Valve or Blizzard stumbled across my blog and took notice but still.....

There are only two people regularly following this blog (one of which being my partner) but in a way that's all I need. It doesn't bother me that my followers have reached double figures or so many more people have no idea on what they could be missing out on - what matters is I'm saying something becuase I want to. After all, the worst I can do is to remain silence when all around is collapsing into bullshit.
And sometimes the outsider's view can sometimes make a whole world of difference.

So the summarize, I've been adding to this blog becuase I have something to say and its fun saying stuff like this. Sure not many people may read this but I see no reason to be bothered by it.

Nor any reason to start.

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