Friday, November 19, 2010

Final Fantasy Fight

So a sequel to Final Fantasy Dissidia is in development eh? I never played the original (perhaps due to me not owning a PSP) but personally, I'm not in any rush to. If anything, what I have learnt over the years is that sometimes an outsiders view can make a whole lot of difference. As such, being interested in Final Fantasy (I wouldn't call myself a fan becuase being a FF fan means you played all of them. Including the crummy ones) I can see the value of a fan-service product.
True, pandering to the fans is never a good move but I can see the potential in having a fighting game featuring Final Fantasy characters. The problem is, that potential was squandered with the 'popular' characters making the final character roster - many of which fulfilling the 'paladin' role. So no knights, no ninjas or blue mages. Yay.

Granted there is potential for some ideal match ups (Sephiroth and Kefka being one that comes to mind) but for me, I think SqueeEnix was being too timid with their roster. So if Dissidia is truly going to expand the current roster then SqueeEnix should run with it. Some say that could result in an unnecessary overload but a fighting game CAN have many fighters as long as plenty of thought and effort is put into the development (I'm thinking of Bleach on the DS, and maybe even Super Smash Bros Brawl, by way of example.)

That being said, who'd I like to see included to the current FFD roster?
- Freya (IX): I don't care what anyone says: Freya is the best character in number 9 and the best knight in the entire series.
- Cid (VII): The second best knight character in the series. And ya gotta have a Cid!
- Edge (IV)/Shadow (VI): To fulfil the necessity of ninjas.
- A Monster Summoner: Be it Yuna (X) or Rydia (IV) one can't argue the opportunity to have giant critter tearing shit up on screen.
- Gilgamesh (V): Personally I think he was unjustly snubbed in the original for Exdeath.
- Seifer (VIII): Should've been in the original where Ultimecia was
- Aerith (VII): If SqueeEnix are truly listening as they claim, then they would at least present the chance for getting payback on Sephiroth. True it may undermine the impact of Aerith's (in)famous death scene but if she is absent from this new Dissidia, then it really isn't a fan service-based product then, right?

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