Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Prince is in another castle

Here's something I've been pondering recently: There have been numerous games where the player character has to rescue a princess but has there been a game where a lass rescues a prince?

I don't about the rest of you but since the first Legend of Zelda games and Super Mario bros. 1, the idea of rescuing princess as the game goal has some how been ingrained into the gamer consciousness. Sure it may a tried and tested trope but somehow we're keen to go with it. We're becoming used to control some guy rescuing a love interest and/or some gal using her wits to escape some sort of imprisonment. So why no gal-rescuing-prince? Well, the way I see it, this is such a familiar scenario then any attempt to mess with it is going to be challenged on multiple accounts. Therefore:

1) As the saying goes, 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. Sure the 'rescue princess' scenario may have worked a gazillion times before but there's no reason why additions can be made to the formula and have sime suitable characterization. Hence, in the case of Princess Zelda, we see her assisting Link in various forms, embodying the Triforce of wisdom and even taking up the mantle of Shiek. It also helps that the player character and princess (both Link and Zelda) are made to look beautiful, thus ensuring the attention of both male and female gamers alike. 

2) Speaking of looking beautiful, it seems to be a defining element of 'rescuing princess' formula. I mean, the word princess is practicality synonymous with being young and beautiful - thus, it becomes clear that the rescue attempt must undertaken on the strength that it'll be worth it. Thus, conversely, the thought of rescuing a princess seems to establish the notion that if he was hopeless enough to get captured then he isn't worth jack.

3) Female player characters are indeed prevalent but they're always characterized as tough and independently minded - hardly the type that would go rescuing some prince. I mean can anyone think of Samus Aran or Lara Croft going out of there way to rescue some significant other? Of course not.
And besides, if the princess was cunning/fighter, she would rescue herself and there'd be no game to play!

4) In fact the only princely character I can think of in gaming would have to be Alister from Dragon Age Origins. But it would seem that to be a video game prince carries for too much stigmata - as a result, Alister is far from royal material - He's a bastard, uninterested in royal responsibilities, and a dope. Still there is the thought that if he didn't receive such necessary characterization, Alister would come across as a lot less interesting.

But now that I think about it, Dragon Age Origins had the option of being a female player character and romancing Alister - and thus the option of ending the game as King and Queen of Ferelden. So maybe there is some value in developing an attachment to a video game prince....

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