Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Aging Disgracefully

Here's something I never noticed before: The combatants in Virtua Fighter 4 all have birth-dates! So taking that into consideration, in the year 2012, Akira is 44, Pai is 37, Lau is 72, Wolf is 46, Jeffry is 55, Kage is 42, Sarah is 39, Jackie is 42, Shun is 100(!!), Lion is 33, Aoi is 33, Le-Fei is 37, Vanessa is 43, Brad is 40 and Goh is 34.
It's funny thing about adding a birth-date to a video game character. It gives them a sense of history, more so with each iteration of the Virtua Fighter series, and it suggests that these characters have been around a long time, and are still able to get back up on their feet after being knocked around numerous times - which, coming from a fighting game series, is hardly surprising.
But at the same time, it does suggest that these characters are aging - and as this is a fighting series we're talking about, it won't be long before the blows render them unable to get back up again.

To be honest I've never been a fan of 'floating timelines'. I personally like to see characters age and grow wiser with experience. Therefore I find it kinda silly that Bart Simpson is forever a ten year old even when his birth-date was established as April 1st 1980 (which would make him in early thirties by now). That being said, one would think a hero who ages would be an interesting concept for a game hero.
Think about it! Each game hero goes on a journey and by the end of it, they come out the other side wiser and/or have killed lots of dudes. Thus it would make an interesting series concept to have a hero who goes on multiple journeys - and as he does so, his appearance changes, injuries and scars he suffers are there for good and the experiences he gains are there with him for ever after. And after all, what is a video game character when they're without dudes to slay eh?
I mean similar things have been done before with game characters aging: Red Dead Redemption featured a player character who is a grizzled, scarred veteran, Donkey Kong Country presented the character of Cranky Kong and even Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess had a little meta joke through Princess Zelda being of twenty years of age.

But alas, I doubt it would take off: As is often the case, a game without a young vital, pretty face will never sell as it's the youth portion of the market will balk out at playing an aging hero. I mean can anyone imagine a wrinkly, decrepit, Kratos still marching to battle insisting on having his vengeance?

Didn't think so.

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