Monday, May 7, 2012

HighDef Evolved

I recently visited a store run by a friend - there I saw something extraordinary: A SNES being run on a HD TV! Yeah! It looked like total shit!

Seriously though, looking at graphics from twenty years ago through such advanced screen technology is indeed a weird experience. I've said before that I found the SNES to be capable of producing some beautiful graphics that still look superb today - but to see them on a HDTV is indeed jarring. Considering how many games from previous consoles are being made available on XBLA/PSN/Virtual Console, it does raise the question as whether or not someone is actually taking into consideration how many people are using such powerful TVs. I know the Megadrive collection on the 360 has the games on it all in HD and there's a feature on the Wii that allows the use of a HDTV (but having never tried it I can't comment) but why would anyone play a classic game when the end result is a hideous sight?

Still, I guess this does make a convincing argument that graphics technology isn't going to get any better - I mean the likes of Gears of War may look incredible now but what's going to happen in twenty or even ten years time? Whose to say that what once looked incredible will then look like total shit?

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