Friday, April 4, 2014

Rock the Shaq

Let's talk remakes. Yes I have no love for them as well, yes they are a dime a dozen and yes they are quite blatantly aiming at the pockets of people who have a nostalgic fixation on times that were better than the one they are currently living in. But, assuming you're still reading this, one cant deny the power of brand recognition - which is why many new IP have a tough time trying to get made let alone sold in sufficient numbers.

However there is some potential with the idea of remakes - Anyone can sell a game by slapping on the title of a lesser known IP and they may score enough recognition to get in the door (see: Spec Ops The Line). Also, the way remakes could possibly work is by taking game that was kinda crummy and actually make it, well you know, good.
Unfortunately both these scenarios rely on brand recognition - and no one would dare touch a brand that has bombed in the past. This in turn raises a question: does anyone generally believe they can make a great game out of a toxic IP?

Lets talk about Shaq Fu - one of the most notorious gaming flops in history. Reviled and disowned to a point where a site was set up dedicated to finding every copy of this game and destroying it (and subsequently raising the game's value as a rarity). Anyone would have to completely nuts to dare suggest a remake of this right?
Well nuts or or not, it didn't stop an indiegogo campaign coming about.

I've had a look at this campaign page (once I'd stopped laughing) and I have to admit I'm actually impressed: The development team appearing in the pitch video seem passionate and genuinely believe that they can make a much better game than the original. Whilst that wouldn't be too difficult, I do credit that these are people who genuinely believe in their product and that's saying a lot considering how big a multimillion dollar business the gaming industry is.

True the stigmata attached to the Shaq Fu brand may prevent the campaign reaching it's target but I can't fault these people for trying....

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