Friday, April 11, 2014

Lost in Limbo

Recently I built up a lot of discount coupons with Steam so I put them into use - one such game I got, and have since beaten, is Limbo.

This is not the first time I've encountered Limbo. Looking back at my original post there isn't a lot I can add to it. I can rave on and on about the atmosphere all I can want there's plenty of other people here online who can do that.

I can tell you what I didn't like though: I hate timing puzzles and the puzzles that require split-second perfect jumps. And unfortunately for, me there's quite a few of them in this game. And something has indeed gone wrong, when I should be feeling a sense of dread but I'm actually doing is shouting at the computer screen.
Also I'm annoyed at the Steam version in that a) the achievements don't work and b) the option the XBLA version had of blacking out the deaths isn't available. The latter is particular off-putting as I liked how the deaths cut to black - seeing them play out in front of me seems to lose something completely.

Still, Limbo is great and I'm glad to have finally played it all the way through. Contains more dread, foreboding, and fear than any zombie game can cook up I can tell you...

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