Monday, August 5, 2013

Come to Tasmania! Come to Tasmania!

As established previously in this blog I come from a magical land known as Tasmania – a land mass located off the arse end of Australia and is largely ignored by the rest of the world. Yet Tasmania is known for pristine wilderness and its natural beauty.

Such is the wilderness associated with Tasmania, I’m often wondering why many game developers aren’t looking there for inspiration. Here, is plenty of inspiration for any landscape-developing team and I’d like to see one rise up to the challenge.
In fact, I would like to see a shooter set in a Tasmanian-esque landscape. I kinda liked how, in Oblivion, how enemy encounters are sparing within the game world itself – the scenery creates such an immersion that when a bad guy does show up, it’s a real big deal. Considering how shooters are more or less a kill-fest, it would be an interesting, and indeed welcome, change of pace to have long pauses between enemy encounters.
Indeed, I’ve had this idea ever since I saw Zone Hunter nearly twenty years ago. It will also be a welcome change from a genre associated with settings like deserts and more ruins than the Battle of Stalingrad. Of course it would be strange to have a heavily armored space marine stomping around a pristine wilderness but somehow one would think that the point….

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