Monday, August 19, 2013

Dead Man's Chest

Hi there. Yep, I'm back after a week off. This wasn't planned though: I've spent the past week having been hit by a virus. Not the type that wrecks one's computer - the type that makes some unfortunate sod stay in bed and throw up a lot.
Still I'm back now and feeling a lot better thank you. 

However I would like to call a moment of recognition to a friend: Game Chest (mrk2)

Game Chest was retired last week. It was my hard drive where upon all my games were contained and the successor to the huge box of games I once had.
Game Chest arrived last year and was installed inside my computer. There, it made friends with the other drives: Amaranth, the home of the OS, and Planet of Sound, the survivor from the previous build turned music holder. Despite being the latest addition, Game Chest came across more akin to the Middle child, holding less than Amaranth but holding more than Planet of Sound.

Game Chest also had a past history: It was a second hand purchase but it found a new lease of life within my computer. It enjoyed twelve months of activity and, despite being small at 150 gig, managed to hold everything together.
We certainly spent many a great time together: Game Chest saw many games being installed, Mods being added, the advent of the space thief that is World of Warcraft and the arrival of Steam. It saw the placement of Scummvm and the completion of many games. It took on the role of game holder and did it's job with flair.

Towards the end of it's career, Game Chest was showing signs of age - it was making loud, uncomfortable noises and the response time was kinda slow. Eventually, it came to me that 150 gig might not be enough. So Game Chest was retired - in favor of the mrk3 version - a 500 gig hard drive. Thing is though it's not the same. Sure my new hard drive may have more space and may sound more healthy but somehow it doesn't seem the same, The ultimate irony is though that, so far, the new drive has yet to surpass the previous limit of 150gig of occupied space (ironic yes but how much space Elder Scrolls Online will fill has yet to be seen).

Still, I ask you, my readers, to raise your glasses to the mrk2 of Game Chest.....

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