Monday, September 22, 2014

Roam Around the World!

Recently I've been having a crack at Rome: Total War.

Funny story: I purchased this game back in 2006 but it is only now that I've been actually playing it. Why the change of heart? Well I found out that if you enter retail codes of certain games into Steam, the games will recognized and added to your Steam account. And for a game a decade old (at time of writing) it is reassuring to know that Steam will make it work - as opposed to hunting down some patch.

Whilst not my first time playing Rome Total War, this is the first time I've tackled the Imperial Campaign. And I have found that this is the first time in a long time that I've been completely absorbed in a game - even to a point where I've lost track of time completely. Clearly I must be playing something good.
And the campaign itself (Julii) is a challenging one. I've made three attempts at it and each one has been different from the last. There have been unexpected developments and times when I have been going well only to have everything fall in spectacular fashion.

Needless to say, this is one game I shall be playing more of in future. Watch this space!

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