Friday, September 19, 2014

Enjoy the Silence

I've got nothing better to talk about for today so lets talk Metal Gear Solid.
Whilst I resent the presence of the Metal Gear Solid sequels, this is a series close to my heart and one I make an effort to keep tabs on.
So lets talk about The Quiet: She appeared in the trailer of the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5 and has been creating a stir ever since.

Personally, as a writer who enjoys creating characters and seeing how they interact with each other, I like the idea of a mute sniper. As as my understanding, the role of a military sniper is one that is vital, dangerous and psychologically demanding - therefore a silent sniper has indeed potential. They can't express their thoughts about what they do or the people they kill so they just sack up and do their job regardless. And being unable to interact with their comrades creates a detachment from them - much like that of a military sniper itself.
And as the saying goes, constrictions inspire creativity (or words to that effect). A silent character then must rely on facial expressions and hand gestures to establish what they're thinking. And it would be a change for an NPC to be a silent character for a change.

But as for The Quiet's outfit, My God... Granted what I've typed in the last paragraph may sound like it has potential but somehow it is undone by the Quiet's odd taste for clothes. Would anyone in a war zone wear that - and in a desert?! Okay so maybe I'm treading ground that has been covered elsewhere but somehow the character designer could've done a lot better than this.

It would've been nice to have a design that reflected the character's occupation as a sniper and allow her expressions and actions to develop The Quiet as a character. But instead her character design seems more a desperate grab for attention.

All of this however is all speculative: The game itself has yet to be released. Granted it will be nice to see MGS5 defy the preemptive criticism and actually prove them all wrong by delivering a character of actual substance but what ate the chances of that happening?

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