Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Loops Horrific

Recently I've seen the footage of the new Silent hill game that has been floating around.

I suppose this is the next step in the evolution of the Horror genre of gaming. Whereas horror games have relied upon building the horror by sowing seeds of doubt within the player's mind, the new Silent Hill game expands upon this by forcing the player through a loop with small changes added with each run through and thus creating a sense of unease within the player that only increases.

But if this is the next evolution in horror games I wonder how long it would be before there's a horror game that builds up the tension but presents no pay-off. I can see it now: The player is placed in a situation where it's made clear that something horrible is going to happen but as they end up dreading what's around the corner nothing happens. As such the player is slowly going crazy trying to find something that ultimately won't arrive.

And like they say, it's what you don't see that's more terrifying....

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