Friday, June 20, 2014

Raiders of the Lost Character Arc

Among the trailers shown at this year's E3, were new iterations the franchises of Tomb Raider and Uncharted.
Of course this is a prime example of brand recognition being put to good use but I can see some potential. The question is whether or not that potential will be realised and not dropped on the floor. You see, my main beef with these two series is that they are being handled by writers who have a character but no idea as to what to do with them.

Much has been written about Nathan Drake being something of a response to Miss Croft - only with him being completely honest about being thief and being as snarky as humanly possible. And that's all there is to him - and for some reason that is enough for some people but you can only fool them for so long.
However, it has been observed that the torture/imprisonment scene in Uncharted 3 provided some depth that Nathan Drake sorely needed but it never went any further. Hopefully the writers of Uncharted realize this and build upon it for the new game. After all, it would be senseless to present a revelation and not see it through. Indeed,  if Nathan Drake isn't who he claims to be then why would he build such a facade?

And as for Lara, the previous Tomb Raider game certainly put a lot of effort in establishing some background and making her a warrior/survivalist type. So is there anything that can be done? Well, from the looks of it, the new Tomb Raider game seems to heading further down that path. Such a knowledge doesn't sit well as the Tomb Raider games have had a nasty reputation of being formulaic - and just because there's one game setting off in a new direction doesn't mean the franchise won't fall back into bad habits.

Of course, this is all speculative - it is too early to say seeing this is based on trailers. But if a trailer is not making me interested in the game it's plugging, then something isn't working.
Whilst there is potential for the new Uncharted and Tomb Raider games, it remains to be seen if this potential is realized or mishandled completely.
Knowing how things go however, my money is on the latter....

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