Monday, October 8, 2012

Don't give Hate a chance!

As some of you may be well aware, there is a movie based on Metal Gear Solid in development. Can't say I'm surprised: Metal Gear Solid drew a lot of inspiration from Hideo Kojima's love for cinema and some say (well, the more cynical amongst us) that the Metal Gear Solid games are more cinematic than being an actual game. But no matter: One can't deny that the transition from game to movie would be natural one for Metal Gear Solid.

But a problem has arisen: Apparently David Hayter will have no involvement whatsoever. Granted David Hayter has probably had more success in Hollywood with his scriptwriting than his acting but to be honest, I can't imagine Snake being played by anyone else. I heard Christan Bale was interested in playing Snake but Snake being played by someone who isn't David Hayter would...well...not be Snake. He's been playing the role for four games now so why stop now?
Come on, it's not like he doesn't look the part:

But whatever: I'm just a grumpy blogger who doesn't have a say in how Hollywood casts it's movies.
But I will say I live in hope that whoever they cast for Meryl, that it be Rachel McAdams.^__~

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