Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Given the Boot

Last week I was playing World of Warcraft and tried my hand at a dungeon. This wasn't the first time  I've tried a dungeon but I've had a go of two before and found them enjoyable & lucrative in both gold & xp. So I used the dungeon finder, got Rithendal into a group and set off. I had no plan in mind beyond shoot anything that moves (a plan I've used in the past and which worked well enough). Then, after one particular boss fight, I was shown the door (so to speak). I was uncertain what I'd done - in retrospect though I think I might've attacked the boss before everyone else was ready - but my dungeon party members started turning on me and I got the boot.

While I may have some idea what went wrong I was uncertain at the time. Needles to say, it was surprising when the party members started calling for the removal of the Hunter. Any protesting I did was met with disdain through my lack of dungeon experience - Obviously these were pros I was dealing with (i did see the comment of 'noob' crop up at least once in the chat window).
I guess that;s the thing with WoW dungeons - you will almost inevitability be surrounded by people who KNOW what they're doing.

Now whilst this may not been the first time I've had a bad experience with WoW, it is the first time it involved the Horde. It may sound odd but my long-held impression of the Horde that it's filled with friendly people and this is the first time I've seen, firsthand, that maybe there are some elitist types in there.
Before I started playing WoW (and well afterward), my impression between the two factions was that the Alliance was full of rude, surly people who liked the hotties whereas the Horde was full of friendly, helpful people who liked being a monster. In short, the 'noble' Alliance was full of gits whilst the 'monstrous' Horde was full of helpful people (because there's no such thing as an 'Evil' Alliance or a 'good' Empire - thanks a lot Star Wars). Yet the longer I''ve played WoW, the more opposite that notion has become: My dwarf Grimcrag has been involved with a large Alliance guild that has been very helpful and friendly whilst in the have the encounter I described above.
But then again, any MMOPRGer is just like the Internet: there's an equal amount of idiots and nice people XD

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