Monday, October 15, 2012

You're an all star

I recently heard that a follow up to Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing is currently in development.
I've played the first game and I thought it was all right. Sure I bear the scars of having lived through years when everyone was making their own karting game in an attempt to match the success of the original Super Mario Kart, but Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing was good fun - and a great way to put one's friendships on the line just to notch up a win (although it is bit puzzling as to why the super fast Sonic needs a car....).

A look at the character list reveals some familiar faces: Vyse of Skies of Arcadia, Nights from Nights into Dreams, Gillius Thunderhead from Golden Axe and Joe Musashi from Shinobi. Much like the first game, the character roster seems spread across Sega's history with some classic figures stepping back into the light and some lesser-known faces getting a second shot. The titular character from the upcoming movie Wreck it Ralph is also present (nice tie-in there), real life racing driver Danica Patrick is also in, and the racing tracks will be inspired by the likes of Outrun, Panzer Dragoon and Afterburner.

Whilst it is nice to see Sega dust off some of their other IP, it does make one wonder if they may have something up their sleeve. Years earlier Nintendo did the same thing with Super Smash Bros Brawl - notably with the presence of the character Pit which eventually led to a new Kid Icarus game - twenty years since the last one.
Could this be a sign a change may be afoot? Considering that Sega finally released Nights into Dreams on the XBLA with a new HD remakes one would think that Sega may be trying some market research to see if some old IP may be worth something.
It maybe too early to call but for the romantics among us, it would be nice to think that Sega may finally be moving past their Megadrive/Genesis glory days and digging up some lost treasures to preserve. The Saturn games have built a reputation for being notoriously difficult to emulate but the presence of Nights (even if it was also on the PS2) is a step in the right direction.
If so, how about Panzer Dragoon Saga eh?

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