Friday, October 19, 2012

Dreams of Reason

Well Nights Into Dreams has finally made it's way to the XBLA. For me it's the end of a journey that began sixteen years ago: For, from being enamored at first sight of the intro as teenager, to brief instances of actually playing the game since, to debating as to whether or not I purchase the Wii incarnation, I finally have an edition of Nights Into Dreams to call my own :D

I mentioned earlier this year that I managed to play the original Nights Into Dreams on the Sega Saturn where I found the controls hard to get into grips with and the graphics looking dated to the point of horrible. However with the HD revamp, neither seems to be case at all: The graphics are glorious to behold and they great for a sixteen year old game. None of the pixelation that has plagued fifth generation games at all!
Also, the music sounds lively and fun - in fact I'm not sure its the same from the Saturn but who cares? It sounds marvelous just the same.
And the controls are better than my previous experience! As crazy as it may seem, for the first time ever I had a clear idea what to do and where I was going and I was making excellent progress.

Now gaming technology is one where people are constantly in the race to produce the most technological advanced product imaginable - hardly the type of thing that improves with age. But here, it's justified - who would've thunk it?!

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