Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Princess Peach vs Yorda

It's been established many times over in this blog that I'm a big fan of the game Ico and I'll be first in line to defend it to the death. And so, for lack of a better segue, this is what I intend to do for today's post.
One common complaint I've heard about Ico is the ineffectual nature of Yorda - so I would like to address this aspect through inviting comparison to another gaming damsel in distress. That's right, I'm talking about Princess Peach.
Now much has already been written questioning Peach's mental state and how greatly she contributes to the Mario games so rather than go over well-trodden ground, I'm going to compare Peach and Yorda together in several areas. Hopefully I may be able to provoke a rethink to all the Yorda haters - and maybe Anne Hathaway will turn up on my doorstep demanding sex from me.

The Damsel in Distress
Like Ico, Yorda is a prisoner in the fortress - this is immediately apparent through the first time we see her being in the predicament of being confined to a cage suspended up a tower.
Peach: Right from the very first game, Peach has provided something of a goal to the player in rescuing her from the clutches of Bowser. But since then, the same scenario has been repeated a gazillion times and yet she oddly doesn't seemed that fazed at all. This seems to present the rather unsettling suggestion that Peach may not be all right in the head....

The Setting
Throughout the game, it is established that the fortress is the only world Yorda has known and the outside world would be a horrible place to be. But when the fortress is a monstrous creation towering above Ico and Yorda and seems to be one step ahead of their escape plan, getting away from it sounds like a damn good idea.
Peach: Is Princess Peach really a head of state? We never see her parents, the king and queen of the the Mushroom Kingdom, she doesn't seem to take on board any responsibilities as a ruler and the only interest she shows towards her subjects is getting them to do work for her! It seems she is far more content to have loads of money and little no responsibilities (insert obligatory Paris Hilton joke). So it begs the question: is this really a princess worth saving?


Right from the word go, it is made clear that Yorda looks completely different form Ico - The deathly-pale skin was a dead giveaway and she's a world apart. Yet the ethereal quality is compelling enough.
Peach: Maybe it's me but this character design does little for me. I've seen faces that have kick-started many a damsel-in-distress saving quests but this isn't one of them. And those wide, vacant-looking eyes speak volumes. One would think Mario, a man of Italian nationality, would know a better-looking woman when he saw one.

Relationship to the player character
Whilst Yorda does rely heavily on Ico, she is however bonded to the fortress and can open the sealed doors to other places that Ico would be otherwise been unable to access. Thus the relationship between Ico and Yorda is less an escort mission and more co-reliant.
Peach: Exactly what is the relationship between Peach and Mario? He goes through so many levels of danger and is constantly putting himself at risk but for what? The promise of cake?! Their relationship isn't really properly defined in the game and for all we know, Mario could be doing all this for having nothing better to do. In addition, considering Peach's afore-mentioned unfazed reaction to her abductions, brings forth the possibility that maybe Mario's efforts are going unnoticed and to waste. Seriously, is the promise of cake really that big a deal? (insert obligatory Portal joke)

Helpfulness to the player character
This scene:

Peach: Apparently she does play a more helpful role in the Mario RPG with her being part of Mario's party and taking on a healer role. But I haven't got that far in that game yet so I can't comment. But if she truly is capable of self-defense then why doesn't she do it more often?!
But alas, nothing since has come of this change of pace and apparently the Mario RPGs are considered non-canon. So close and yet so far....

Facing a legitimate threat
Yorda's role is ultimately to serve as a vessel to the Queen/Witch. The evil bitch intends to do this as her won body is nearing it's end and possessing her own daughter is as good excuse as any.
Peach: Whilst Bowser does present a threat, and indeed an imposing presence, it is however suggested that all he wants is some lovin'. One would wonder why don't Peach and Bowser hang out together (Stockholm Syndrome anyone?) but no, she still summons Mario to come to the rescue to save her from..... something that isn't really that big a deal.

Role in gaming
Yorda is the product of a reinvention of the whole damsel-in-distress scenario that has been with gaming for nearly forever (a reinvention that, may I add, predates Braid).
Peach: Peach pretty much started this whole damsel-in-distress scenario - nowadays it's all played for laughs but honestly? The joke has pretty much been run to the ground....

Well I've said my case. But at the end of the day this my opinion and here on the internet differing opinions run rampant. I know there are some people who will put in the boot into Ico but you know what? I'm really not that bothered by it. I know I like Ico and that's all I need. And besides: Just because someone has a different to me doesn't mean it's the end of the world (very good advice that is).
Still, I shall expect the flames arriving in three....two....

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