Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome to the World

Happy New Year blah blah blah and welcome back to normality. I'm back to the blog for another year of nonsense so lets get cracking.

Well it happened: I started playing World of Warcraft - I guess from here on in I can expect a stuffed social life and many of my other interests shriveling up and dying?
Seriously though, I got a spending voucher for Christmas so I thought 'what the hell, I'll get the WoW Battlechest!' Maybe it was a good excuse as any to see what all the fuss was about but I still came to WoW with a degree of caution. Much has been said about it's addictive nature and how people get sucked in into doing quests that are, in reality, tedious in nature and somewhat pointless. But I still head onward...

So I went with the Horde because apparently people treat the Alliance factions like the plague. I chose a Blood Elf, as I like elves, and took up the career as a Hunter - animal companions? Sounds good to me!
And so far I've made to level 14 and I'm impressed to say the least. There's plenty to do due to the sheer number of quests, the world looks fantastic to look at and there's certainly a lot of fun to be had smacking dudes over the head. Sure the profession tasks are very tedious but it isn't hard to see how this game has managed to win over millions of people. In short I'm enjoying, playing WoW - much to my pleasant surprise.

Also I haven't gotten seduced by the addictive nature. Maybe because I've been doing other things in between playing sessions (like going outside and talking to other people) and I always keep in mind that I can quit any time I like. But some might think that a sign of weakness.
Guess you can't please everybody....

1 comment:

  1. And HERE IT IS!!! I was half-expecting a blog post to turn up, and here it is. Well let me be the first to say a warm welcome to the crazy and awesome world of warcraft. And welcome to the HORDE!!!

    Critics of WoW can go boil their heads, to say it politely.

    Well, good to have someone else to have adventures with. As they say in Quel'thalas, 'Sharel Aran!'
