Monday, January 9, 2012

Chronicles of a Gamer (Michael Revisited)

Here's a little something I bashed out - inspired by the legendary Michael ad:

I’m the one who walked with Link on his journey
The one Princess Zelda calls when danger nears
To Ganondorf I’m his constant enemy

I told Snake how to destroy the Metal Gears
Through me he found a sense of meaning in life
And we still meet regularly to drink some beers

I showed John Marston how to kill with a knife
With me he became a Legend of the West
And I got him back with his son and wife

I went with Commander Shepard – he’ll attest
I was with him through the Omega Relay
As everyone ‘round us gave their very best

I walked with Yuna every step of the way!
Got Ico and Yorda out of the fortress!
I’m that which makes Cyberdemons run away!

I got Samus Arun through planet Zebes!
Kefka, Loughain, M Bison, I did fracture!
Even Morrigan Aensland I did impress!

I got the Little Sisters out of Rapture!
I’ve faced down lines of relentless invaders!
Made friends with a wolf god and a space hamster!

I’ve been with Avalanche and Raynor’s Raiders!
When all’s gone to hell I’m the one they rely!
And I’m a friend of many a gun trader!

I’ve fought sand demons, zombies and colossi!
For I am the gamer and I’ve done it all
And in the eyes of my comrades, I’m their guy

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