Monday, November 21, 2011

The leakiest ship in the fleet

Recently the beta code to Mass Effect 3 was leaked - It was a mistake on Microsoft's part but it was only up there long enough to get hacked and have seem secrets of the plot ripped from it. Whilst this disappointing to Bioware they are at least taking it in their stride and seeing this as an opportunity for the fans to respond and provide feedback (probably the best they can do in this situation).

I'd become aware of the hack but I didn't bother at all with it. Why should I? I discovered the Mass Effect series in my own time and was all the more happier for it. To become aware of the plot details of ME3 beforehand kind of ruins the experience for me. What's so wrong with finding out things in your own time? I mean, I discovered Bioshock in my own time, even when so much had been written about it online, and it didn't bother me at all.
Now, the Mass Effect games have benefited greatly from great writing, well thought out character arcs (the loyalty missions) and being able to take the viewer along for the entire ride. So to pick up the plot points beforehand will ruin the damn experience for me. Is the temptation to find out everything before picking up the controller too great for some people?
Character deaths in particular grind my gears: I worked hard to rescue everyone at the end of ME2 so to have some taken down in ME3 kind of begs the question of what the bloody point was.

But I never understood the point of these spoiler hacks: So what if it you did so? Everyone else is going to find out anyway. And even if you did, it will still become meaningless as more games will come out and they will reap the interest and the almost inevitable hacks.
I mean does anyone care in this day and age that Tellah from Final Fantasy 4 and Galuf from Final Fantasy 5 were both permanent character deaths?!

1 comment:

  1. yeah people who hack games before their official release just to get ahead are just fucking idiots and deserve to be banned from games for all of time mwuhahaha.
