Monday, November 28, 2011

Forty Thousand and Two

Last weekend I finally got my computer upgraded (thanks Stephen!) so I finally got the chance to play some games that have been on my shelf due to them being beyond the capabilities of my last computer. So the lucky first would be the Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War series.

Now I've had a long standing interest in Warhammer (both FB and 40k) stretching back to my high school days so this, for me, is the closest thing to a 'real-life' representation (for lack of better choice of words): Finally after years of text and artwork, we have actual voices, buildings, and movement. Okay sure hearing all Eldar speak in monotone voices was a big surprise to say the least but, for a long-term fan, this was pretty good to see the universe actual brought to life - and, whilst not the first game to be based on the Warhammer universe, it was the first to actually treat it seriously.

Whilst this is not the first time I've played Dawn of War it is however the longest I've spent on it. The Space Marines are great (although the lack of Space Wolves is annoying), the Eldar are great (even if I find their monotone voices far too hilarious), Chaos is hilarious and the Imperial Guard aren't too bad either.
But as a RTS game, I will admit that Dawn of War is compelling: Having grown accustomed to the formula that gave rise to Warcraft, Starcraft and the Command and Conquer series, it's interesting to see things done differently. No resource gathering (which honestly was something I found quite tedious with the Blizzard/Westwood Studios trinity) but in it's place is claiming objectives. The leader attachment to squads is kinda handy and it is indeed welcome to see a focus on building actual armies as opposed to a small empire. Indeed, it is great to get the tedious elements of RTS get discarded in favor of actually building a force to go crack some heads. Of course this may not be first time such a thing has happened but it is a welcome change from someone who keeps surrendering to the siren call of Starcraft,

So yes, I like Dawn of War, as a fan of 40k and fan of RTS games. Now if you will excuse me, I must keep on crushing heretics in the Emperor's name...

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