Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Raiden Fighters

Recently I've been giving the 360 a bit of a rest - So I thus return to my long neglected (but still quite functioning) PlayStation 2 to give it some lovin'. Indeed, I have some unfinished business with my PS2 so no time like the present (or something..)

So I decided to take a crack at Metal Gear Solid 2. Man, has this been along time coming but not without good reason. Firstly, I've said, many times before, that the ending the the first Metal Gear Solid came to a great end with Snake coming away from his adventure having found a new meaning to his life and a determination to make every day of his now limited life count. Thus to see him head back out onto the battlefield seems odd in comparison.
Plus, one of the many criticisms of Metal Gear Solid 2 was the ratio of cut-scenes and the actual gameplay: Where too much time was spent watching an, at times, incomprehensible script play out when compared to actually cracking heads.
And finally there was that thorny issue of Raiden: The hard-bitten gravely voiced Snake had been replaced by a white-haired whiny wuss! But that was my impression - one that came from fan outrage that boiled over ten years ago. So now what? Has the shock worn off? And perhaps time has healed the wounds? Maybe.

Still, I've gone into Metal Gear Solid 2 with a fresh mind as ever so what do I think of it?
Well I've made it up to the battle with Fatman and it's been quite enjoyable so far. There's still that intense excitement of breaking into a enemy facility and trying to elude capture. I like the use of the first-person perspective, the M9 and the addition of the patrol squads and how maps can only be found through the Node. I'm not bothered by the cut scenes - or at least it hasn't got to the MGS4 level of absurdity in having a half hour long cutscene for the introduction (apparently).
And as for Raiden, well he has yet to annoy me: Sure he does whine but at least it's not constant - I understand his inexperience in the battlefield and, admittedly I kind of enjoyed seeing him aggravate Fatman. And sure his interactions with Rose may be off-putting but it's not to the point where it's a deal-breaker.
So I am willing to give him a chance at least - and this is from someone who spent their college years watching Neon Genesis Evangelion so believe you me I know a whining character.

Still this is only the first impressions - and such an opinion is subject to change.
So how will it go later on? Watch this space....

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