Monday, November 14, 2011

I believe I can fly / I believe I can touch the sky

Well Skyrim is officially upon us and Australia has the pleasure of it being released twelve hours before the US (HA!). So whilst I've been having a shot at Oblivion recently, I am aware of the Elder Scrolls series and, admittedly, it hasn't been difficult to ignore the build up. So I went around to a friend's place to see Skyrim for myself.

Well there's no way getting around it: I took one look at the graphics and I was completely blown away. Whether it was a vastly improved graphics engine than that in Oblivion or seeing the damn thing running on a HD TV, I can say without a doubt that this must be one of the bets looking games around. I like how the menus are more easily accessible and how the menu text is is presented in white against a black backing. Indeed, it seems that everything is so improved from Oblivion that it seems difficult to go back to.

So I sat down and had a go, using my own character and, surprise surprise, I pretty much did with Skyrim what I did with Oblivion: Far too much time wandering around the world and exploring as opposed to bonking some heads. But how could I not? I was really taken by this world and wanted to check it out. But I have to admit that the combat was kinda cool - I particularly like those mini-cut scenes that happen with a successful kill. It's a diversion but enough to break the gameplay/immersion factor.
Amusingly, my warrior tried to challenge a giant and was struck by a blow so hard, he was sent flying. Literally! Of course, if I were playing Oblivion I would've been frustrated with yet another death but here I couldn't stop laughing. Sure my character got plastered but it was a funny way to go.

What a sadist I am....

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