Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weekend Edition

Last weekend I was at a friends place with some other friends - much of this time was spent around a PS3. Now whilst this isn't my first time using a PS3 (that story is something I may come back to in the future), this was an opportunity to have a quick bash at some of games that are only available on the Playstation.

So what got played? Well....

Marvel vs Capcom 3
Always good for a laugh. I will admit to being familiar with this series but I've never actually took the time to play it. But I did enjoy playing this game: Maybe it's one of those games that need the right atmosphere to get the most out of (ie played with a group of other people). I used a team of Wolverine, Morrigan (Darkstalkers) and Amaterasu (Okami) and did rather well. Sure it was odd to see Amaterasu present but there is indeed some amusement value in seeing her, a wolf god, trump the thunder god Thor....

Little Big Planet
One of the bigger hits to spawn from the PS3, Little Big Planet is something that left me with mixed feelings. I do like both the inventive graphics and the four-player malarkey (whilst being very reminiscent of New Super Mario Bros) but other times, the controls aren't really that welcoming - as I found out, it's hard to try and work out how to do things when the more experienced players are screaming ahead of you and taking the rest of the screen with them, leaving little time to work within! Still, Little Big Planet has some degree of charm and for that I give it props.

Dark Souls
What a reputation this game comes with - being perhaps the most fiendishly difficult RPG ever made. No pause button, a stacking of unbelievable odds and the sense the game is taunting the player with every step. And that reputation isn't kidding: I saw my com-padres each getting slaughtered by the same monster and it certainly made for a frustrating sight. Also notable is seeing announcements declared in large lettering and the many, many cheap deaths. Now normally I would hate a game for doing that but in the time I spent playing Dark Souls I can say it some elements going for it with the great skeleton animations and setting.

Ico / Shadow of the Colossus in HD
Well I've been singing the praises for these games many times before on this blog so there's not much to add. However, I'm astonished by the HD remake and how everything looks so much better - so much so it's near impossible to go back to the original PS2 incarnations. Also, there is indeed a sweet satisfaction to play games you thought only you knew about and seeing other people showing an interest.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I mean who really enjoys fighting games on their own anyway? lol

    Little Big Planet I find much more fun with 2 players, so you can go through it with at a better pace.

    Dark Souls - the lettering is a bit offputting. I might get the game later though due to influences for Dungeon Raiders.

    Ico/Shadow I reckon I will have to get a PS3 sometime cos there are various games on that console that I would like to play, and I'd love to play Team Ico's games again.
