Wednesday, October 26, 2011

That's Un-Possible

Earlier this year I made a post criticizing the end of the Commodore 64 game Impossible Mission 2 and describing how puzzling and abrupt it was.

Since then, I've managed to come across the original manual (you really can find anything on the 'net so it would seem!) which sheds some light on the matter: Apparently the baddie Dr. Elvin Atombender had a full arsenal of weapons ready to destroy civilization leaving the agent to infiltrate his base, find the right computer and shut it down (hence the three computers in the final room). From there, the agent was to be picked up from the roof of the base via helicopter.

I suppose that does explain a lot. It may also account for the white shape being Atombender who, it seems, would rather commit suicide than admitting defeat. And whilst I welcome this revelation after years of bafflement it is still far from satisfying. It doesn't help that Atombender may look like the agent and share the same scream (most likely through the limitations of the hardware) and it still doesn't explain why the whole event is being viewed through a computer screen.

But then again why I am complaining about this game? It wasn't as good as the original anyway.

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