Monday, July 11, 2011

There is a bear in the woods

It seems a current trend, both in games and movies, to have Russians as baddies again. A trend I find nothing but baffling. What? Is the US annoyed that the Cold War ended? Are they irate their favourite former rival is more interested in other things? Are those bought up in the Reagan era working on a contempt inherited from eighties nostalgia?! And what do those in Russia think of this?

The more I think of this trend the more it becomes clear that it's the work of someone spoiling a fight. It's someone inventing a scenario on the unflinching hope it does turn out true. It's someone who'd bother old opponents just for the sake of having someone to fight.
Now, some would say that this resurrection of Russians of baddies trends is just writers struggling to find a compelling baddie. But I call BS on that: I can think of a much more compelling baddie and he's described in the previous paragraph.

So, to work on this idea and continue with my trend of violating the bond of trust between game and gamer, I present my own idea for a scenario in a warfare/shooter type game.

The gamer is playing a soldier, fighting in an army, led by a charismatic general named.......Barry. As the player progresses through the game, Barry is shown in cut scenes delivering encouraging speeches and urging his men forward, insisting the baddies are foes worth fighting and we're fighting for the glory of their country.
However as the game progresses, something starts to grow amiss: Traveling through enemy territory reveals soldiers belongings made up of family letters and diaries questioning the movements of their enemy (ie YOU). It is in these pieces of text that the soldiers you've been fighting are confused as to why this war is happening, why the enemy (ie YOU) are doing this and why they suddenly decided to break a peace treaty that has been lasting for many years.
And then it is revealed: Barry is a career soldier. It was he who started this war just for the sake of starting a scrap. With a genius for conflicts, he's having trouble adjusting to a peacetime so he decided he'll start a war out of nothing better to do. Such is Barry's contempt for peace that he's taken upon himself to invade another country and disguise it to the war-hungry with propaganda. And seeing the country in question was an old foe, any excuse will do.
And thus the player has gone into battle thinking he was fighting for freedom when it was he who ended up the aggressor. It's a good idea and one I wish games would do more often.

It's an ideal scenario but the only problem I can see is that Portal may have beaten me to it. Damn....

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