Monday, July 4, 2011

Link! He come to town!

Well it's finally happened: I got off my arse and sat down to play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Virtual Console.
It may have been a long time coming but, truth be told, I'm something of a newcomer to the Zelda games: I never played them during the respective heyday of the NES/SNES/N64 and the only way I heard of Link and Princess Zelda was through write-ups, artwork and that lousy cartoon in the eighties (not the best source but still...).

So it's only been in recent years that I've become a fan of the Zelda games: I played Link to the Past and it was pretty much all over. Since then, I've played the original LoZ, Twilight princess and have cosplayed as Link - I even managed to persuade my partner to cosplay as Zelda to match! However there was the issue of Ocarina of Time....

Why is that an issue? Simple: it was a case of intimidation. In the time since my proper introduction to the Zelda series, Ocarina has grown in status as one of, if not THE, greatest games ever made. People younger than me now recognized it as an integral part of their childhood. Personally, I downloaded Ocarina (and Majora's Mask) back in 2009 but it is only now I actually committed myself to beating this game.
Again, it's a simple matter of discovering things in my own time, knowing the reward will be sweeter for it. And in the case of Ocarina, people revere it on a level comparable to Jesus so that knowledge is indeed enough to put one off. Indeed, this is not the first time I've been intimidated by game only to have the experience soured by other people telling me how it's going to be.

Grumbling aside, how's the game going insofar? Actually it's quite enjoyable. Sure the controls are bit disagreeable at times and the camera is utter rubbish but all in all, Ocarina of Time is turning out to loads of fun. And it's aged quite well which is more than can be said for other games of the fifth generation *coughMario64cough*.

So from here - who knows? Guess I'll have to go deeper into Hyrule to find out...

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