Friday, July 1, 2011

In your head! Zombie!

Still truckin' through Red Dead Redemption. Great game :)
Got no time for the Undead expansion though - I'm a bit baffled by it's need to exist seeing as Red Dead Redemption seems set well into the past - historical fiction if you will (which IMHO is something that needs to happen more in gaming) - so introducing zombies seems somewhat jarring.

But most of all, I'm tried of this zombie fascination. They seem everywhere: in movies, in games even organized zombie marches (an oxymoron if ever I did see one)! This zombie fascination has come to a point where anything with zombies will guarantee sales.
Personally however I think this line of thought undermines one simple rule about horror: Monsters aren't ever scary in the light. You take them out of their monstrous context and they become boring and lose all sense of identity. After all, if you're a monster and you aren't scary then what you? A pussy would be a fair answer.
And in this case, the idea of a zombie apocalypse is a strong one but to run into the ground kinda takes away the scariness of the idea. Good lord, Michael Jackson's Thriller has a lot to answer for.

I don't know: Maybe the time is right to give the zombie genre the slap in the face it deserves. It could work as, established above, anything with zombies will automatically sell big. So how about...
- Reversing the concept of a zombie apocalypse and having the player controlling a single zombie up against a whole horde of humans keen to live out their zombie apocalypse fantasies (becuase if the Zombie Apocalypse did occur, you'll most likely have the zombies outnumbered by people who know exactly what to do).
- Following on from my interest in breaking the bond of trust between game and gamer, how about a zombie march, of people dressed up like zombies, being interrupted by a nutter (controlled by the player) thinking it's for real, is armed to the teeth and starts shooting all these innocent bystanders?
- Or how about a zombie RTS? You gather resources in zombie fashion (eating people) and built/invade structures that generate upgrades and other undead monstrosities and you go take out a village/military base/zombie lover club/whatever?

Indeed seeing as the zombie genre has been done to death, I'll pay good money for a zombie game that does things differently. Any takers?

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