Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Been a long time....

As Duke Nukem Forever rolls ever so closer to showing it's face, pre-release feedback seems quite promising. Do Gearbox genuinely believe in their product? Or are they just frightened that anything less than a wonder will mean all the wait and frustration will be for naught?
As previously stated, there is a part of me that really wants this oft-delayed game to succeed. To have a great game come out awesome in spite of the delays and the fan contempt would be a victory to end all victories - not to to mention the satisfaction of silencing many an angry gaming nerd. In fact, as the fans getting so worked up over an unreleased product still holds more fascination to me than the actual game.

Makes me wonder which will attract the greater venom:
- The fact that DNF took a long (and reportedly unnecessary) long time in development
- The fact that DNF was released and (hypothetically) turned out crap
- The fact that DNF was released

Still, a game can be good even when it's been a long time in development: Warcraft 3 took a long time to produce and it's still being regularly played at LANs. Team Fortress 2 took nine years to come through and it proved quite successful with critics/gamers/LAN goers alike.
So maybe there is value in wanting to do an awesome job of one's product. Maybe we should be grateful that people like Blizzard and Valve are willing to take their time and produce the best possible result.

But what are the chances of that happening?

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