Friday, November 5, 2010

Pure Nonsense

I've been watching Pure Pwnage on ABC2 recently. It may seem old hat to many of you who watched it since it came online but for me, it's something new.

So what do I think of it?

I have no idea.
No really: this is a TV show that has left me with mixed feelings - perhaps more than any other TV show I have seen before. On one hand it is well written and, being a gamer, I am able to pick up on a lot of the jokes.
On the other hand, some of the jokes hit a little too close to home. Indeed, Jeremy is hard character to establish any kind of connection: Is he there to make us laugh? Is he meant to inspire scorn? Am I meant to connect with a narcissistic, immature character who'd I rather shoot in the head?
Or is the truth to ugly to confront? Indeed, I recall Eddie van Halen reacting to the great mocumentary This is Spinal Tap by saying that everyone else in the room was laughing bar him who'd lived through all the things happening in the movie. That being said, I hate to think how many gamers act like Jeremy.

But something must be working in Pure Pwnage becuase it keeps calling me back.

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