Monday, November 8, 2010

Adventures in cosplay (no.2)

And welcome to part two of this series in Adventures in cosplay. So what I can I say for today's installment?

Well for starters, it is, for me, near impossible to discuss cosplay without mentioning my partner in crime Kathleen. It's something we love doing, it's a great couple activity and it was, believe it or not, a great foundation to build a relationship upon. And being genuine couple in life, it indeed shows and is quite popular at cons. Before we met I did wonder how cool it would be to see a genuine couple cosplay as fictitious couple and now that I've been a part of one, it's pretty damn cool :D
Of the many couples we've done, perhaps our best known one is Link and Princess Zelda from the Legend of Zelda games. This has been done many times and is the one people tend to remember us the best for.

This may seem like an odd choice for a cosplay couple seeing that, in the games, Link is the star and Zelda's screen time is, conversely, minimal. Yet still people seem strangely accepting of a connection between the two.
This came about however through personal experience: At the time, 2008, I was coming into the Zelda games for the very first time through playing Link to the Past. I played it, liked it a lot and was inspired enough to consider cosplaying as Link. Around the same time, my partner, Kathleen, and I had just come off the back of cosplaying as Tidus and Yuna and she was keen to do another cosplay couple. As serendipitous as it sounds, I asked if she was familiar with the Legend of Zelda games. Kathleen said yes she was familiar having played them as a kid. I then suggested we do a cosplay of Link and Zelda - At first she was reluctant saying she didn't want to wear a tea towel on her head but when I showed her a pic of the Twilight Princess Zelda, she quickly agreed.

2009: Man, it hurts to look at it now....

How the Link came about is an interesting case: It was something that was gradually built up over time and trial and error. I purchased the tunic and cap off ebay but they were found wanting. The tights were ladies (!) leggings purchased at clothing store Supre and the white shirt was an old long-sleeved t-shirt. The collar, gauntlets and leather straps were made through trial and error by Kathleen and the master sword was purchased at a con. The boots - oh boy: At first it was boot covers, but they were awful. Then it was riding caps before actual boots - which subsequently feel apart.

Although this cosplay isn't the easiest of things to wear, I do have a soft spot for it. Like other great cosplays this one has a story attached to it - of how it came about - and one I'll never tire of telling. And having done this cosplay numerous times since, it's has evolved through numerous improvements and built up it's own sense of history.
Indeed one such story that this cosplay inspired is when Kathleen and myself were sitting around when a young girl dressed as Link walked past. We called her over, had a long conversation and eventually, all three of us into a photo.

2010: Aaaaahhhhhh, Much better!

Now that I think of it, Link is an odd choice for someone like me: You see a lot of women cosplay as Link but they have the angular facial features and slim figure to make it work. Thus it does seem odd for a twenty something guy to cosplay such a youthful character - but what do I care? I love the character of Link and it's fun to be recognized for it.
And to have someone else willing to cosplay as Princess Zelda to match is even better :D

So much so in fact that I see both my Link and Kathleen's Princess Zelda, permanently connected. It may sound nuts but these two have been worn together and have been improved/evolved together that I honestly can't imagine them being separate entities. By way of example, Kathleen has cosplayed as Midna and I did Link to match but for me, it wasn't the same. Nope, the Link cosplay and the princess Zelda cosplay have had a shared history together to go elsewhere is unthinkable - and again, for a cosplay to have such stories and history attached to it is indeed something special.

And that's it for today. But there's more to come so stay tuned!

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