Friday, August 19, 2016

Soon you will call me remaster

Rumours are circulating that a Mass Effect remaster could be in development. And this isn't just the first game: The entire trilogy could be getting this treatment.

I do welcome the idea of revamping the graphics of ME1 so they are more in line with it's brethren and having some of the weak points in the game(s) ironed out. But at the same time, this is EA we're talking about and it's hard to distinguish what they say from a money-grabbing ploy. So far, there's been no GOTY release of the games that make up the trilogy and no hope of playing ME3 outside of Origin.

But for me? Will remaster be enough to sway me back to Mass Effect? Well, I'm still put off by the fracas over the ending. And whilst the modding community coming up with a solution may be enough of an enticement, I'm still not sold. And the fact that people are still grumbling about that notorious ending is still off-putting.
Still, next year will make the tenth anniversary of Mass Effect. So maybe that would be a good enough as any to go back an revisit this game. And then maybe finally finish the trilogy...

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