Monday, July 25, 2016

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!

They say that you always remember the exact point when you encounter something new. Whilst, I do recall my first encounter with a console being the humble Atari 7800, whether it is Nintendo or Sega who got to me next is sadly lost to me. But I do remember my first encounter with a NES: My brother brought a friend around to visit and he brought this thing called a Nintendo around. And the very first game I witnessed being used on this device? A game called Kung Fu.

Original video located here. Accessed 25th July 2016

Looking back at this game, I have to admit that it's definitely not one of the brightest moments on the NES. My recollections of playing it involved a lot of cheap hits and insta-kills. Still, from a technical perspective, the graphics look impressive and the use of digitized speech is admirable. I will even admit that the in-game music is also kinda snappy.

But I think this game stayed with me because this was my first encounter with the 'rescue girlfriend as motivation' trope that gaming has relied on for countless times. And when compared to other instances that use this trope, ie Super Mario bros and Legend of Zelda, I think I had a greater investment in wanting the Player Character, Thomas, being reunited with the girlfriend, Sylvia. This may be attributed to that cutscene that appears in between levels commanding that Sylvia be rescued from Mr.X (man who comes up with such imaginatively named characters?!). Well, as a motivation, it certainly is effective.

Watching the video, I did finally get to see Thomas reunited with Sylvia - thus ending years of wondering XD But the ending text insists that this reunion will be short-lived. So what happened? Was there a sequel to this game? Do I even care?

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