Friday, March 27, 2015

Truly no one lives forever

Recently I came across this depressing piece of news: the classic PC games No One Lives Forever will never be re-released on Steam or GoG due to no one knowing who really owns the rights.

I'm disappointed to say the least. I've heard a lot about No One Lives Forever 1 and 2 and I've been eager to play them.

Still, if Warner Bros/Activision/Fox can't make up their minds, at least I can go to eBay, hunt down both games, locate some patches to make them work, then it's my money Warner Bros/Activision/Fox/whoever won't be getting.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Broken Link

In relation to an earlier post about a Legend of Zelda TV series, it now has since been revealed that neither Nintendo or Netflix have such plans.

Meaning there is no LA Legend of Zelda TV series coming and that inane cartoon is pretty much all we're going to get.

Well! Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me Netflix!!!!

Still, maybe it is for the best: Because Link has been, and always will be, a blank slate. He is what the player decides. And having a TV show make that decision will mean that it could never possibly match the expectations of the player(s).

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Recently Raptr announced it will cease all support for console games,

With each passing year I've found myself drifting further and further away from the console camp. Indeed, one could say this development could be another step in that direction. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Good news / Bad news

Recently my house was connected to the NBN - this means my internet is now faster than ever!

And that's the good news.

The bad news is that an old cable had to pulled out to make it happen - one that ran around the house. And, ultimately, into my computer. What these means now is that my computer and the NBN router are now at different ends of the house. And on separate floors. Which in turn makes for a internet signal that may not be strong enough to handle matters concerning XBLA and MMORPGs.

And, somehow, dusting off my PS2 suddenly sounds like a very good idea....

Friday, March 13, 2015

Do you Sega what I Sega?

Here's something that's been bothering me for a while: How do you pronounce Sega?

When I was a kid, both myself and the people around me always called it by 'SEE-Gar' and no one ever thought any more of it. But such a pronunciation must've been an Australian thing because it is only in recent years that I've heard other people, more often than not from other parts of the world, call it 'SAY-Gar'.
This certainly was a surprise. Which is the correct pronunciation? I've been doing my way for so long it's hard to accept the other way.
One possible way of correct pronunciation, which comes straight from Sega themselves, is the Sega screen in Sonic the Hedgehog - but even that is unclear:

Original video located here. Accessed 13th March 2015

Does anyone know?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Yes Means No

So Homeworld Remastered is now upon us so one would think I would make a beeline for it.I have talked it up in the past right?

But strangely no: I'm not rushing out to get the Homeworld Remaster - or at least dropping everything and getting the Steam code.

Why? Well I did consider it until I realized that the ace end credits theme The Ladder had been omitted. That may seem strange enough to be a deal breaker but dammit, I want my game to end with some rockin' prog rock dammit!

But apparently Gearbox (or someone) couldn't obtain the license to use it.
So what does that men? Did Yes say No?

Monday, March 2, 2015

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

One of the icons of geek culture passed away on the weekend - Leonard Nimoy, Mr Spock himself.

Thankfully Star Trek Online are keeping his soundbites but I will admit it's getting hard upon leveling up and hearing that distinctive voice utter: "Congratulations Admiral"

I raise a glass to you, Mr Nimoy.
And say hi to Gene, James and DeForrest for us. :(