Monday, March 16, 2015

Good news / Bad news

Recently my house was connected to the NBN - this means my internet is now faster than ever!

And that's the good news.

The bad news is that an old cable had to pulled out to make it happen - one that ran around the house. And, ultimately, into my computer. What these means now is that my computer and the NBN router are now at different ends of the house. And on separate floors. Which in turn makes for a internet signal that may not be strong enough to handle matters concerning XBLA and MMORPGs.

And, somehow, dusting off my PS2 suddenly sounds like a very good idea....

1 comment:

  1. you mean MMORPGs? (not MMPORGs)

    Awesome you got NBN, yeah it should be pretty fast! What needs to be done to get it working on your computer?
