Friday, May 30, 2014

I will rue the day

Recently I had the pleasure of striking another game from my Hall of Shame. And which title is out on their rear end? Yet another indie/adventure/Steam game: Gemini Rue!

I find this game impressive on a number of fronts: Firstly it was the product of one guy. Secondly the art direction is simply staggering, with some truly beautiful backgrounds and some well-crafted environments. Thirdly, the atmosphere is superb what with being drawn heavily from the likes of Blade Runner and a suitably moody soundtrack. Finally the sense of immersion is compelling enough for me to finish the game all the way through.

But in spite of what I may have said about the plot, I do take issue with one aspect of it: What did Saiyuki and Six do before they were incarcerated? It is particularly infuriating at the conclusion for Saiyuki to   have a change of heart. And it’s suggested the Six did play a part in the Gemini War but what was this role? Was he a deserter? Or a soldier that had gunned down hundreds?

Now I kind of like stories that don’t give straight answers as it invites the reader to draw their own conclusions. Indeed, I have enjoyed Ico and Shadow of the Colossus – two games that have thrived on presenting one half (or less) of a story while keeping the other half tantalizing out of reach. However I didn’t get that with Gemini Rue – I just came away feeling somewhat empty. I didn’t find the same sense of mystique I found within Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, I just found myself feeling empty. I don’t know if this is a fault of the story or if the game didn’t make that great enough impression, but somehow I didn’t find myself theorizing about what Saiyuki and Six did before their incarcerations. A true warning sign of anything.

Still in spite of my gripes, I did enjoy Gemini Rue and found much to admire. So it’s fine by me.

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