Monday, January 6, 2014

Mega Drive

And we're back. Welcome to 2014 folks. And what better way to kick off the new year than with the announcement of another game struck down from my Hall of Shame!
And who's the lucky candidate this time? Why, Mega Man 2!

(yeah the PAL box art isn't that crash hot but its lameness is still worth a chuckle)

I never played any of the Mega Man games during the 8bit era. That still didn't stop me admiring it from afar. And as far as I was concerned controlling a robot guy with a cannon for an arm sounded pretty sweet to me. 
This in turn placed me in a unique position when I finally got around to play it on the Virtual Console: I've never played this game and I don't have any memories playing it to influence my opinion  So what did I think?

Well first off the bat, this would have to be one of, if not the most technically impressive game I've seen on an 8-bit system. Having grown up in the Commodore 64 era I was thoroughly impressed with this quality of the graphics: the sprites have loads of personality that I wouldn't have previously thought possible.
I also enjoyed the use of weapon upgrades and the level selection: As I've come into Mega Man blind (like all games should be approached), I was thought this was quite a neat feature and surprised that this type of thing was being implemented in it's day - particularly when player-determined paths are commonplace in games of today.
But then there is the difficulty: My God, is this game a challenge and a half. I hate how games offer cheap deaths (yes Burnout 3, I am looking at you) and I do feel that mega Man 2 belongs in this category. I've lost count how many times I yelled at the TV screen, ground my teeth in frustration and faced my will being broken.
If anything Mega Man 2 comes across as more a battle of wits between the player and the game itself with neither willing to back down to the other. And that's the thing: A game should be fun to play. And if a game is making me frustrated, angry and anything but having fun, then something has gone seriously wrong. Thus to hear people laud Mega Man 2 as one of the greatest games ever made is confusing to me.
Okay true Mega Man 2 is a product of a bygone era when games were allowed to be as nasty as they choose and anyone will go along with it. And I will admit that games of today being much easier may allow for complacency in gamers, but if a game leaves me yelling "BULLSHIT!" on several occasions then perhaps it may be better to move onto something else.

Ultimately I did find a lot to be impressed with Mega Man 2 but it hasn't really sold me on the rest of the series. I do respect Mega Man 2 for both it;s own merits and being the best in the series but I'm not in any rush to go and explore some more.

Oh well, easy come easy go I guess....

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