Monday, January 27, 2014

Feel Good Hit of the Summer

At time of writing, it is summer time here in Australia. Meaning there is a lot of sunshine and warmth - something that means little to the average gamer as gaming is a (mostly) indoor activity. Still at least being inside keeps me from getting sunburn.

Anyway, I'm an adamant believer in the notion that certain games require a certain atmosphere. Certain games work in certain environments, that indeed add considerably to the experience, but others don't. By way of example, would anyone play a horror game like Amnesia the Dark Descent in a brightly lit room? I don't think so.

So what games do I like play/revisit during the summer months? Well, I like games that really fit the summer mood: There is no set criteria but bright colors certainly help and generally a mood of warmth and/or tropics.

With this in mind here's what I designate as Summer games:

It's set in a desert and based around a civilisation building itself around a river. How can this not be a summer game? It's also in possession of a sense of warmth that has never been before or since. 

Secret of Mana
More of a personal choice on my part: I played this during the summer of 2005 where my interest in gaming was subsequently rekindled.  Somehow, with such bright graphics and glorious soundtrack, playing this game during the winter months seem pointless.

Secret of Monkey Island
It's got pirates, a well realised setting and a reggae soundtrack. Sounds like a great game to play during the summer months to me. It being chock full of hilarious moments doesn't hurt either

Skies of Arcadia
Once again, bright colours, a brilliant soundtrack and great environments. Throw in a great sense of exploration and it's little wonder why this is game that I keep finding myself returning to (not to mention a good enough reason to hang onto my Dreamcast).

Sonic the Hedgehog
I've fond memories playing this game during many a summer and I suspect I'll have more. I don't know why this game works so well as a summer game but it just does. And therein lies the thought that if I think about this too much it may be ruined.

World of Warcraft (Stanglethorn)
Blue skies, beaches, and perhaps the best-realised jungle environment I've ever seen in a game. Come for the questing, stay for the sunsets ;)

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