Friday, March 8, 2013

Welcome to Pandaland

Well it happened: Earlier this week I took my first tentative steps into Pandaria.

So far, my initial reaction has been mixed: On one hand there is a lot of combat - as a result, I found myself swamped with enemies at every turn. It grew quite frustrating to get anywhere without someone or something showing up to take a swing. In fact in that one session my Hunter Pet Wolf died more times then any other. This bogged down the combat and came across as being a slog and tedious.
But on the other hand, the setting is proving to be enjoyable. I like the environments and the surroundings. In addition, the Pandas certainly have a lot of personality - mostly out of being irate at the unwelcome arrival of the Horde and the Alliance and the futility of the ongoing conflict (and the Pandas think they can break it up? There's wishful thinking). I also like how items can change appearance with different classes.

Still this is only the beginning - Only time will tell if Pandaria will stand on it's own two feet or prove to be another iteration of my belief that the further you get from Azeroth, the less interesting WoW becomes. Stay tuned....

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