Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I'm not into horror games but I can enjoy them IF they are done right. For you see, unlike movies or books, horror games have a distinct advantage in that the player is an active participant. Thus horror that work are they type the eschew sudden shocks and emphasis mood. It's a platform where the age-old rule of 'it's what you don't see' is truly in it's element. Which is more scary in a horror game - being chased by an axe-murderer or the player thinking that they're being chased by an axe-murderer?
Better still are horror games that establish one perception and gradually pull the rug from underneath the player. Where everything looks friendly and inviting at first and eventually erodes away leaving a sense of despair, discomfort and unease. Thus if a game can make people physically look over their shoulders whilst playing then it is doing something right. If a game can make people uncomfortable enough to stop playing playing then it is doing something right. And if a game can build up such an intense mood without resorting to sudden shocks then it must be doing something right.

Anyway, yesterday I struck another game from my Hall of Shame: Eversion!
Boy, was that a fun game

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