Monday, April 2, 2012

Not having a blast

Here's something I came across on youtube: Footage of Xenon 2000 - a modern rehash of the classic Amiga shooter Xenon 2 for Windows:

I've fond memories of playing Xenon 2 in high school - I remember, in particular, the organic/technical graphics, the upgradable ship and, of course, the rockin' soundtrack which accurately replicated Megablast by Bomb the Bass.
Looking at the above footage I have to wonder WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?! Look at this! Everything looks stiff and dull, the environments are criminally boring, the ship looks dumb and the soundtrack is just something generic and lifeless! Did the Bitmap Brothers have a fall out with Tim Simenon or something?! Really, Xenon 2 without the Megablast just really isn't Xenon 2 at all (it made up half the title for fuck's sake!).

You know I never heard of this remake until I saw the above youtube clip - and it would appear for good reason. Still, I suppose it's another case of when a remake ignores what made the original work and the end result is a complete bastardization.

When will they ever learn?

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