Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gameboys will be Gameboys

Here's a blast from the Past: A commercial from the late eighties/early nineties for the original Nintendo Gameboy;

I remember seeing this as a kid and I still can recall even now - maybe it's largely due to the refrain of "Gameboy!" set to rockin' music.
Funny thing is I never got the words to the last verse - to me it sounded like gibberish - but when I see it now I realize: it IS gibberish. What, did the composer run out of words and he just put in: sakadawakadabakada bbbbb mmmm?!?! I know Nintendo came out with some weird ads in their heyday but in terms of weirdness, gibberish in a rockin' song really takes the cake.

But, with hindsight, my favorite part of the ad is the line: "With all the great games you can get for a Gameboy you better believe you can spend your whole life playing Gameboy!" Its kind of funny considering that consoles usually have a limited lifespan so thinking someone STILL playing the grey, yellow-screened Gameboy is beyond hilarious. A little presumptuous there, eh Nintendo?

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