Monday, December 12, 2011

That was the year it was: 2011

So this will be my last post for 2011 - Because the festive season is here and there are people who I should spend some time with. And besides, this past week has been rather barren with things to say.
So to wrap this year up, some quick thoughts about the games I played this year. Sure not all of them were released this year but still:

Intimidating at first but this won me over with it's compelling plot, great use of ideas and it's well-realised setting and imagination behind it. The praise lauded on it may have left me reluctant to play it but, much to my surprise, it turned out great.

Dragon Age 2
Why didn't Bioware keep the pattern established with Origins and Awakening and give this game a subtitle? This game had some good ideas true but they were bogged down with dull environments, stupid combat and no proper goal. Still it would be interesting to see what Bioware will do now with Dragon Age 3....

Green Day Rock Band
Dookie was a welcome addition to My Rock Band Library - not sure about the other two albums though.....

Iron Brigade
I became aware of this game through a positive review on Good Game. I've enjoyed playing Mechwarrior 2 in the past so the idea of stomping around in a huge mech had some appeal. Can't say I'm a big fan of Tower Defense games but this was good fun.

Lego Rock Band
Something of a surprise: I originally got for the games for the songs but somehow, it won me over. Juvenile yes but with some a charm of it's own.

Another long time coming but I enjoyed this game purely for wandering around and checking the well-realised world out. But as this game is an action RPG, one would think I'd missed the point...

Somehow the memes based around this game made actually playing the damn thing redundant. Oh well...

Red Dead Redemption
I've heard some less than praising comments for this game. Can't imagine why....

Rock band 3
Well what can i say that hasn't been said before? Some changes were nice others weren't. Music Library good, stupid difficulty not.

And that's the end of Game Tumour for 2011. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on the other side of 2012
So what will the new year bring? That's a very good question...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cursed Gate

Baldur's Gate 2 and I have something of a history. I love it, regard it as one of the finest games ever made Bioware's finest moment and the best representation of Dungeons and Dragons made in the history of gaming. It however doesn't seem to appreciate me as the player.

Now I've spoken about games that seem to resent me as the player but this is a different case. It would seem that everytime I want to play this game something happens that gets in the way. Could be it some kind of curse? I'm not so sure but no other game I've played has had so much bad luck attached to it.

Firstly, I purchased BG2 as part of the Baldurs Gate collection - the one that had both games and the two expansions (Tales of Sword Coast and Throne of Bhaal). At the time I was really excited to play these as I'd heard a lot about them and wanted to see an update to the D&D system I was familiar with through Pool of Radiance. But I foolishly purchased it online - thus when I finally got the collection itself, it turned out the main games were on DVD. A drive I sorely lacked.

Secondly, I finally got my claws on a DVD drive and burned up many, many hours in both Baldurs Gate and Baldur's Gate 2. Alas, the extensive use of the latter led to the disc getting damaged: A crack appeared along the side of the disc and only got bigger. So, however reluctantly, I had to throw it into the rubbish bin.

Thirdly there was that moment in BG1 where the game crashed at a particular moment but, as game's crashing is nothing new, there isn't much there to dwell upon...

And finally, I did eventually get a replacement disc for Baldur's Gate 2. Again it was a DVD but this time it didn't work: The entire game may be on a DVD but it still keeps demanding another CD-Rom!

So what now? I suppose I could get another disc of BG2 (making it my third) but considering the string of misfortune I've had, one would wonder why I'd bother...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Game of the Year

Around this time of the year most gamers are looking back over the past twelve months and selecting their pick for Game of the Year. Not me though: As this blog is discovering games in my own time, the question is more: What games from this year did I actually play?

Well I liked Skyrim.
And Iron Brigade was pretty cool too.

Well that was easy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tainted Love

Whew, writing that serial about my favorite game music took a lot outta me. But no matter, I still have things to say and as long as there is a creative bone in my body, the typing shall resume.

On the weekend, I decided to give Dragon Age 2 another go - Not sure why though. Yes all the talk about it being more a side-story than a legitimate sequel has indeed some weight behind it, but I don't know: Maybe it's the hope of finding a diamond in the rough. Or maybe there's some XBLA achievements worth scooping up. Maybe....

But no matter, I've progressed into Act 2 and I've found some enjoyment - but I feel dirty for saying so because, to say you enjoy Dragon Age 2 is all very well but one can't ignore the flaws: namely the repetitive environments, the dull combat system and a lack of definable goal. But then again, I've seen similar arguments and passionate defending for both the games in the Final Fantasy series and Skies of Arcadia so I'm not really that bothered.

But I have to admit that this game has made something of an impression on me because I played through the The Long Road companion quest - and came away somewhat disappointed.
Far be it from me to give away spoilers but what this quest entails is that Aveline wants to get the attention of Donnic, a soldier she fancies and enlists the help of Hawke to allow it to happen. Throughout the quest, Hawke is allowed to act flirtatious towards Aveline but, ultimately, for little good.

Now a lot has been said that the cast of DA2 has been rather dull but I must admit I've had something of a liking for Aveline. There's something compelling about her, with her being forced into the role of the knight by her father, her dealing with the loss of her husband Wesley and her assistance to Hawke in being Captain of the Guards. And in spite of her no-nonsense approach, there is still some vulnerabilities about Aveline with her duties as captain and the awkwardness with Donnic. The latter deserves particular attention: She tries to get his attention but, frustratingly, remains oblivious towards any advances Hawke can make. But in the end this is, insofar, the most vulnerable Aveline has come across.
So it begs the question: Why couldn't I romance her? Merrill bores me, Isabella has.... been around and the gay romance doesn't really interest me. Aveline however seems a far more compelling option: In that she is a widower, awkward in romance and actually seems alone. With The Long Road quest, I did choose the flirtatious options as I was really interested in seeing this play out and whether or not Aveline would open her eyes.
But no, whatever romantic potential is reduced to her acting in an oblivious manner (maybe the widower romance was done with Jahiera in Baldur's Gate 2?). And you know what? I feel hurt by this: My Hawke is breaking his balls to help her in the romance stakes and she doesn't seem to care. And all he gets is what? A quick peck on the check?! Well screw you bitch! Have fun struggling to get Donnic's attention with the ghost of Wesley hanging over you! Hope you enjoy being a captain because that's all you're ever going to do! And hope you appreciate the company of thoughts of what could've been!!!!

Actually now that I think about it, when it comes to (hetero) romances, male Hawke gets a raw deal whilst female Hawke can hit on Fenris and Sebastian.
Hmmm, maybe next time I'll take a female Hawke....

Friday, December 2, 2011

Curse of the Burnout 3

I've spoken a lot about the brutal, unforgiving nature of the AI in Burnout 3 before. No other game has such a nasty AI and no other game has left me screaming insults at the TV screen.
So today, I present, a list of things I have uttered upon crashing in Burnout 3:

"BULLSHIT!" (most frequented)
"Where did that come from?!"
"Are you shitting me?!?!"
"Come on come on! You can make the Afte.....OH COME ON!!!"
"HELLLOOOO?! Steering?!?!? Where are YOOUUUUUUU?!?!?!!?"
"Is this for me getting a Perfect on that last lap?!?"
"These cars can't be made of metal! They must be made of cheap Taiwanese plastics!!!"
"That was miles away!!!!!!"
"Where's the Time reverse mechanic from Sands of Time when you need it?!?"
"You know sometimes I wonder why I bother with Aftertouch"
"Well there goes the first place"
"Well looks like I won't be catching him now"
"Somehow I bet the physics programmer is jacking off to this..."
"Well excuse me for trying to keep up!!!!"
"Well excuse me for playing!!!!"
"What the hell is a rage quit?!"