Friday, September 2, 2011

Staking a Claim

Anyone remember the game Carmageddon? I certainly remember the controversy it generated what with dangerous driving and running people with gleeful and bloody abandon. Funny thing is I remember very little of the game itself – which goes to show that it’s often years later that people wonder why such a big deal was made of something in the first place.
More so when one considers the tagline that was used to promote Carmageddon: The Game They Tried to Ban! Of course this was back in the nineties and in the years since banning games has happened to the point where it’s nothing unusual.

In fact back then I was fascinated by this bold claim. It suggested that they, the censors, tried to ban but failed. Thus this claim got me thinking: Was it possible to go one better? Saying what if there was a game that frightened them into not even trying? Carmageddon's claim suggested an effort was made but what if the censors didn't for wetting themselves?
Say something along the lines of: The game they didn’t even try to ban!?
But, unlike Carmageddon’s claim, this new one doesn't work for it a) seems unwieldy, b) doesn’t really have the danger of the original and c) suggests that if it got past the censors then it must’ve pretty wimpy. Thus Carmageddon succeeds for making a bold claim that no one since has ever been able to match.

Even if I can’t remember the game itself.

Still maybe the claim The game they didn’t even try to ban! might work for the upcoming HD revamp of Ico…..

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