Monday, September 19, 2011

Cracking up

Here's something I heard on the news this morning: A bunch of online gamers have deciphered the structure of a virus enzyme. For a full report click here.

Of course this sounds exactly like something from a science fiction where scientists are baffled by something for many years - which is subsequently solved by computer geeks in a faction of the time. Guess sometimes the truth really is weirder than fiction.

Still, on the plus side this is good news: Finally gaming has actually proven to be a good thing and can contribute a lot to society - not to mention being (best of all) one in the eye for all those anti-gaming zealots.
But I can't thinking of there are some folk out there who are disappointed by this news. You know, those misanthropes that would rather that gaming remain in the realms of controversial; those who would rather it maintain the element of danger that makes people nervous, those who would rather it do away with all efforts to try and reach a larger audience and are repulsed by the thought of gaming actually doing some good.

Of course with these words I'm being satirical but there always lurks the troubling thought there may exist someone like in the world....

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